- Python Tutor - a fantastic site for visualizing code execution and simple collaborations
- Python 3 standard library keep this under your pillow
- PEP 8 reference - the style guide for Python code
- Python string formatting - a thorough resource on string formatting
- PyPi - Python Package Index - the repository where
finds library packages - VisuAlgo - Animated visuals of data structures and algorithms
- Python Module of the Week - Series of articles to demonstrate how to use the modules of the Python 3 standard library
- Real Python - Loads and loads of helpful articles, tutorials, and more
- PythonAnywhere - Run python programs in a cloud instance
- Python Articles - Python stories worth reading about programming and technology from our open source community.
Web Application Tools
- Flask - Official project site with documentation and tutorial
- Flask Mega Tutorial - a comprehensive introduction to creating Flask projects
- Flask-RESTPlus - Chris' favorite library for building REST APIs with Flask
- Jinja Project site - Jinja documentation
- SQLAlchemy - SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- Django Web Framework - a very popular and powerful framework with “everything in the box”
- Pyramid Web Framework - a “goldilocks” framework that falls between the micro and mega frameworks
- Postman HTTP client - API client tool with a load of features for transmitting payloads over HTTP
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- MDN Web docs - Mozilla Developer Network guides
- W3 Schools - World’s largest web developer site
- Free Code Camp - project based courses for learning web technologies
- Flexbox Froggy - tutorial for learning CSS flexbox
- Grid Garden - tutorial for learning CSS grid
- Interneting Is Hard - beginner-friendly walkthroughs for HTML and CSS
- What the Flexbox - free course on Flexbox by Wes Bos
- CSS Grid - free course on CSS Grid by Wes Bos
Git and GitHub
- Official Git reference
- GitHub: How to Sync a Fork
- Git cheat sheet (PDF)
- Git Visual Reference
- Git Visual (interactive) - animation using D3
- Intro to Git on Codecademy
- Udacity Free Course: How to use Git and GitHub
- Atlassian Git tutorials
- GitHub workflow documentation
- O’Reilly Git Pocket Guide (Amazon)
- Git Bash Completion - Git completions and info in your Bash prompt
- - Useful for generating
file contents (example)
Code Editors
Free Books
- Automate the Boring Stuff
- Python 101
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
- Think Python
- Python for Engineers
- Introduction to Computing - from the Georgia Tech course on edX the group studied
- Talk Python To Me - A local podcast from Portland
- Python Bytes - A weekly review of Python headlines (also local)
- Test and Code - A Python podcast with a focus on testing (also local)
- Podcast.__init__ - A weekly podcast about Python and the people who make it great.